Our pre-school

Our morning sessions run Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 12:00pm. We then have lunch club from 12:00pm to 12:30pm, and the afternoon session runs from 12:30pm to 3:00pm.

We also offer an earlier 8:30am start on request, and you can opt to pick up your child earlier as well. Our session times link with school and have been found to be ideal for parents working from home or just part time as we invoice only for the hours needed.

We have vacancies on most days of the week but advise early registration. We charge only for the hours you need. Please refer to our fees for more information.

Ad hoc days are also available whilst we have spaces should your usual childcare be disrupted or if you need to work an extra day.

Our aim is to provide your child with the best support and care as they take their first steps towards starting school. Children are encouraged to pursue their own interests through free play as well as join in group activities such a snack, story and song time.

Please see our aims to find out more about how our sessions are run.

Getting involved

We would love for you to get involved with our pre-school sessions, by bringing your own work, hobbies, skills or interests to share with the children. You might, for example, be a member of the Emergency Services, own chickens, have an active interests in crafts or keep exotic pets. If you think you have skills, hobbies or interests that would be of interest to our children, please let us know by getting in touch!

We are also always on the lookout for new committee members - take a look at our vacancies if you think you could help.